Independent International Quranic Parliament (IQP) is a largly Scientific-Cultural parliament founded upon the suggestion of Qur’anic activities, professors and intellectuals around the world with more than 200 seats from more than 100 countries. The annual meeting of this parliament will be held in one of the Islamic countries. IQP will be active in all activities regarding to the holy Qur’an especially academic and cultural affairs. IQP tries to bring together a wide and comprehensive group of Quranic thinkers and Quranic activists from around the world. The central council of the I.Q.P. consists of fifty Quranic activists, Muslim and Non-Muslim, professors and intellectuals

IQP Board of Trustees

M.H. Ahmadi, University of Tehran (IQP Executive Director)

Angelika Neuwirth, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Abdukadir Tayob, Cape town University, South Africa

Ali Khazem, The Qur’an Museum, Lebanon

Klaus Von Stosch, University of Bonn, Germany

Gabriel Reynolds, University of Notre Dame, USA

Mohammad kazem Shakir, AU university, Iran

Abubakr bin Isa Kouyati, Saudi Arabia

Abdulkadir Toumi, Algeria

Giampiro Paladini, Islamic University of Italy

AbdelMadjid Ben Habib,University of Tlemcen, Algeria

S.Nasrollah Ibrahimi, Faculty of Law, University of Tehran,Iran

Ghassan Al-Masri, Bavarian Reseach Center for Interreligious Discourses, Germany

Valid Hamami, Ez-Zitouna University, Tunis

Hilal Allavati, Oman

Kazem Mohsen Mashali, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

Mahfooz ur Rahman Farooqui, India

Maryam Al-Yaseri, AlWarith Institute, Iraq

Mojtaba Rahman Dost, Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran

Josef Kraus, Masaryk University, Czech Republic


IQP Regional representatives

الایالات المتحده: Yousf Dabisi
نیجر: Abdulrahman Abusalih
ایندونیسیا: Muhamad Raa
جنوب افریقیا: Abdukadir Tayob
السعودیه: Abubakr bin Isa Kouyati
لبنان: Rima Amhaz
ایطالیا: Giampiro Paladini
العراق: Maryam Alyaseri/Mozaffar Alarezi
عمان: Hilal Allavati
بورکینافاسو: Isa Taranghad/ Abubaghir kandou
الجزایر: Abdulkadir Toumi
شمال افریقیا: AbdelMadjid Ben Habib
تونس: Ayman Abdali
النمسا: M. Waldman
نیجریا: Mohammed Yousof
آلمانیا: Ghassan Almasri
مصر: Mohamad Rafat Ibrahim Ghamri
الهند: Mahfoozur Rahman
غینیا بیسائو: Abubakr Ibrahim




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Qur'anic Scholars (IQP Group 1)

Qur'anic Arts (IQP Group 2)

 (IQP Group 3) Qur'anic Activists

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