محمد حسن أحمدي  Mohammad Hasan Ahmadi

Asso. Professor at the University of Tehran and Executive Director of Ind. Int. Quranic Parliament (IQP). His research interest is Islamic Historical Philology. His recent book titled (TPET) Text Pre-Exegetical Tests (2023) presents a new theory in text analysis. Historical Methodology in Qur’anic Studies (2014) has been welcomed by Prof. Sadegh Ayineh- Vand and Prof. Neuwirth, (leading scholar of Qur'anic studies at the Freie Universität Berlin) as it honored by Iran National Library and rewarded in Iran Religious Book of the year. Also, Hadith Studies and Historical philology was launched by Prof. Angelika Neuwirth and Prof. Klaus von Stosch at Paderborn University. (2018) and rewarded in Iran Religious Book of the year (2020).  http://zabanshenasitarikhi.ir/

الأستاذ المشارک بجامعة طهران،  مجمع فارابی، فرع علوم القرآن و الحدیث، حصل علی شهاده الدکتوراة عام2010 علی رسالته المسمی بالمنهج التاریخی فی علوم القرآن و الحدیث بعد انجاز فرصة بحثیة فی آلمانیا باشراف الاستاذ الشهیر الاوروبی المتخصص فی علوم القرآن برفسور آنجلیکا نویورت ، تدور اهتماماته البحثية حول اللاهوت التاريخي وفلسفة اللغة التاريخية في الدراسات الإسلامية. من نشاطاته العلمیه: المنهج التاريخي في الدراسات القرآنية (2014)، الدراسات الحديثية وفلسفة اللغة التاريخية(2018)  و اختبارات النص قبل التفسير(2023). هذا مع حصوله علی جائزتین من مؤتمر کتاب الحوزه السّنوی فی الجمهوریة الاسلامیة الایرانیة.(2020 و 2015)

Academic Curriculum

    • High level of Islamic Jurisprudence (2005- Continuing)
    • PhD Qur’anic Sciences and Hadith (2010)
    • M.A. Qur’anic Sciences (2006), History of Shi'ism (2008)
    • Diploma, Physic & Mathematic (1995)



Publications (selection)

    1. “Text Pre-Exegetical Tests (TPET)”, 2023
    2. “Hadith Studies and Historical philology”; 2018. (Launched by Prof. Angelika Neuwirth at Paderborn University, Nov. 2018, rewarded in Iran Religious Book of the year, Feb. 2020
    3.  “The Historical Methodology in the Qur'anic Sciences and Hadith”; has welcomed by Prof. Sadegh Ayineh-Vand and Prof. Angelika Neuwirth, 2014, honored by Iran National Library,2014, rewarded in Iran Religious Book of the year,2015
    4. “Terminology of the Scriptures Distortion, A Survey on Qur’an & Bible”; 2014
    5. “Reflection on Interpretation studies with an emphasis on the media nature of Quran Exegesis”, Ketab-E-Ghayyem, 2021
    6. “A comparative Study of interpretation methods in Islam and Christianity”, Ma’rifat-e Adyan,2020
    7. “Hadith, the need to adopt an extra-jurisprudential approach”, Journal of Quran and Hadith Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,2020
    8. “A critique of the traditional interpretation of the theoretical concept of fabrication of hadith”, A Quarterly Journal of Historical Studies of Islam,2020
    9. “A Communication Analysis of the Interaction between the Religious Text and the Audience”,2020
    10. “Generalization of the Aauthority of Khabar-e-Vahid to ideological issues”,2020
    11. “The Role of Text in the interpretation of Islamic lifestyle”,2020
    12. “Hadith and its classification in a Historical approach”, 2019
    13. “The Function of Critical Point and Reflective Frequency in Historical Theology”, 2019
    14. “Text Citation and Critical Point with Emphasis on Religious Historical Texts”,2019
    15. “Beyond text and the development of logical implications with an emphasis on historical arguments”,2019
    16. “Approaches, Styles and Methods of Qur’an Exegesis”, Encyclopedia of Quranic Sciences(3rd), Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought,2019
    17. “The effect of the narrative structure in the analysis of the "forgery of hadith" phenomenon”, 2019
    18. “Critical Point and arguments based on hadith reports”,2019
    19. “Contemporary Islam between the diplomacy of heritage revival and civilizational approach”,2019
    20. “Exegesis of Qur’an based on the rule of Real Intention”, 2018
    21. “The position of the audience of text in hadith studies”, Comparative Hadith Magazine,2018
    22. “The ineffectiveness of lexical analyzes in terms of the history of the Qur'anic and hadith”, 2018
    23. “The Evolution of the Definition of “Book” in the Cultural History of Muslims during the Early Islamic Centuries”, Cultural History Studies,2018
    24. “The Geometric Structure of the Historical Verses of the Holy Qur'an,2017
    25. “The rule of Contrast formula as a principle in the social analysis of religious texts”,2017
    26. “The Relationship between Historical Development of Qur’an and Historical Development of Its Exegesis”, IQSA Annual Meeting Program Book, USA, 2015
    27. “Allamah Tabatabai's Historical Methodology in Al-Mizan”, 2014
    28. “A study on the Commentary of Historical Verses with an Emphasis on the ‌Rule of‌ Al-Ibra”, Commentary Studies, 2014
    29. “Shi'a commentators view about the human spiritual right”, 2013
    30. “A comparative study of the concept of "Distorting the Bible" between the Qur'an commentators and the Islamic theologians”, 2013
    31.  “A survey on the verse: Jews distortion words from their context”, commentary studies,2012
    32. “The trace of people of the book in Meccan Qur'anic verses”, Quarterly Research Journal of Islamic History, 2011
    33. “Reflections on the Theory of the Development of Imamate in Shiite Though”, A Quarterly for Shiite studies, 2009
    34.  “Extremists and Misinterpreting the holy Quran”, Uloom-I Hadith, Quarterly, 2009
    35. “Critical study on Current Theory of Shiite preface”, A Quarterly for Islamic Teaching, 2009
    36. “Shiite Hadith Experts and a critique of the Hadith on the Alleged Distortion of the Quran”, A Quarterly for Shiite studies, 2007




  1. “From Historical to Jurisprudential approach towards Holy Qur'an and Holy Bible”, Theory center of Supreme Council of the cultural Revolution, May23,2023
  2. “Key Homily words in the holy Qur’an”, (Ozkor, Iz, Alam-tara), DFDS 3rd meeting, May17,2023
  3. “Historical Qur'anic Terms and the difficulty of Literal analysis”,2022
  4. “Islamic Hadith and Second level of Arguing (SLA)”, 2022
  5. “Islamic Hadith Studies; from Structured Transmitting to Historical Arguing”, 2021
  6. “Islamic Scriptures analysis through the lens of philology”, 2021
  7. “Philological Principles for Historical analysis of Islamic Hadith Studies”, 2021
  8. “The Homiletic Exegesis of the Qur'an”; Discussion Forum on Divine Scriptures (DFDS), May14, 2020
  9. “Qur'anic Exegesis as a social media and continues contextual heritage in early Islamic civilization”, A workshop on the form, function and context of pre-modern commentary, University of Zurich, 15-16 June 2020.
  10. “The Gharaz (purpose) and pre-interpretive tests of the text in the field of interpretation of the Holy Quran”, 2019
  11. “Holy texts; between Authenticity and Philology”, workshop on “Scriptural Hermeneutics and Exegesis: Challenges for Muslims and Christians in Modernity”, Paderborn University, Germany, 2018.
  12. “The Muslim Commentators reading of Qur'anic verse “4:46”, Paderborn University, Germany, Paderborn University, 2018.
  13. “The holy Qur'an today and its historical heritage of Exegesis”, Innovative Approaches in Islamic Sciences and Education, Osnabrück, September 20-22, 2018
  14. “Balancing Reading and Writing in the Early Islam Empire”, Workshop "Corpus Coranicum Christianum", Free University of Berlin, December 5th-7th 2018
  15. “Reading and Writing in Islamic Manuscriptal studies”, ISAP VII Conference, Berlin, 20-23 March, 2018
  16.  “The Relationship between Historical Development of Qur’an and Historical Development of Its Exegesis”, SBL-IQSA annual meeting, Berlin, Germany, 2017.
  17. “The Qur'anic Terminology of the Biblical Tradition”, Berlin, Germany, 2017.
  18. “The Principles of Historical Arguing in the Context of Quranic Scholarship”, Berlin, 2017.
  19. “The Relationship between Historical Development of Qur’an and Historical Development of Its Exegesis”, IQSA 2015.
  20. “Historical Frequency (Continuously recurrent Hadith) within Qur'anic Scholarship and Hadith Studies”,5th International Holy Qur'an Competitions for Muslim students, The Research Section, 2015.
  21. Explanatory process or establishment way? Which one is Imam Sadegh (A.S.) Historical role? Imam Jafar-e-Sadegh National Congress, Khoy, Iran, 2014.
  22.  “The Concept of Distortion (Scripture change) in Holy Qur'an”, International Conference on Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, 2014.
  23. “The Qur'anic Terminology of the Biblical tradition”, USA, SBL 2014 annual meeting.
  24. “The Qur'anic Approach to the "Religious Pluralism" and the "Seal of Prophecy", The First International Congress of Holy Qur'an (Human and Society), Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, 2013.
  25.  “From Historicism to Historical Succession”, International conference on Qur'an and Orientalists, Al-Mustafa International University, 2013.
  26. “Rethinking the Qur'an in the light of Historical methods”, Ankara, The Research Institute for Philosophical Foundations of Disciplines May 3-5, 2013
  27. “The Comparison study between the Concept of Torah & Gospel in Qur’an and External & Historical reality of the Bible”, ICSCH 2013.
  28. “Shi'a commentators view about the human spiritual right” (Высшее духовное право человечества), 8th Dialogue between Islam and Orthodox: Rreligion and human right, Moscow, 2012.
  29. “Qur'an in Germany”, Special Meeting of promoting Qur'anic culture in European Countries, howzeh-qom International Affairs, International Quran Exhibition, Tehran, 2011.
  30.  “Imam Bagher's (A.S.) Position in the Clarification of the Theory of Imamate”, International conference on Imam Baqer's (as), Baqir al-olum university, 2011.
  31. The Concept of the Bible distortion, Reported by Ketab-e-Mah-e-Din, 2011.
  32. “A Historical approach to the Quranic concept of “Tahrif” (Scripture Change)”, Humboldt university of Berlin,2010.